
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Welcome to Me

I am absolutely positive that a lot of people who decide to read this find it tedious to go through long blocks of text and complex sentences, no matter how much they matter.  So maybe by pointing this out, I will keep readers  through the first paragraph and all the way into the introduction.  I certainly hope so anyway.

Through the small amount of time I have been on this Earth, I have realized that writing introductions are an art all in themselves.  People who read the content after an introduction usually do not care for it, while those that read the introduction usually do not care for the content.  But I do not claim to be a master of content or introductions so it is rather foolhardy for me to introduce this.  But here I go.

This blog is about one very broad subject - social psychology.  Simply put, what will be posted here are my observations of the world, any observations, of any given subject.  Social psychology has given me that luxury - to observe and analyze the way people act and react depending on the situation.

But I am simply a teenage boy, like my title implies.  I cannot say that my word is gospel, or that my observations and analysis is the correct one.  But human nature grants the wonderful ability to have freedom of thought - to think and not be judged for it.

At least, until I start posting those thoughts.  Then the public is has its own right to judge those ideas.

But back to the point of this blog, I will be covering my ideas on how people act and why they decide to act that way.  The reasons, the results, the reactions and the far-reaching consequences are all concepts which I will attempt to cover, depending on the post.

Of course, I will not always go through all of that, nor will I attempt to.  I only want to write clearly and honestly.  And I hope that, if only for a second, I will manage to get people to listen, think and feel.

The fantastic English writer Oscar Wilde wrote over a century ago that "All words are quite useless."  I will prove this to be an exception to the rule.